开源免费在线直播工具 OBS Studio 30.1 x64 中文多语免费版

admin 阅读:346 2024-03-13 09:48:31 评论:0
摘要:开源免费在线直播工具 OBS Studio 中文版由大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。什么是 OBS? OBS 的完整名称是:OBS Studio。OBS Studio 是一款开源免费可以直接视频直播的软件,该软件与网站中的直播软件不一样,他是一款国外的互联网流媒体直播软件,其直播的构架模式采用开源的方式…




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开源免费在线直播工具 OBS Studio 中文版大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。什么是 OBS? OBS 的完整名称是:OBS Studio。OBS Studio 是一款开源免费可以直接视频直播的软件,该软件与网站中的直播软件不一样,他是一款国外的互联网流媒体直播软件,其直播的构架模式采用开源的方式进行录制,常常用在游戏直播中,软件支持串流、音频、视频等设置,能够让用户可以自由选择自己的直播模式,您可以选择让人们看到指定的视频展现模式,可操作性非常丰富,对于不同的朋友设计了具体的直播方案,充分考虑到了所有类型的直播,操作起来也是比较方便的,可以设置多个场景,方便用户随时切换。


OBS Studio 功能特色

  • 多种视频源:可以包括电脑显示器、视频游戏、网络摄像头、视频文件等多种来源。

  • 多样化场景:可以创建多个场景并自由切换,实现视频制作的多元化场景。

  • 多种设备支持:支持 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 等多种操作系统,并且可以与多种硬件兼容,如音频接口、媒体控制等。

  • 自定义推流设置:可以自行设置直播平台,如 Twitch,YouTube 或 Facebook Live 等,也可以在本地录制后分享。

  • 支持第三方插件:OBS Studio 支持许多第三方插件,从而提供更多的个性化功能和扩展性。

  • 内置音频混合器:可以将多个音频源混合并录制到同一视频中,让声音更加丰富。

  • 实时截图和录制:可以随时截取屏幕或视频的指定部分,并进行保存。

  • 灵活的视频编码设置:可以进行多种视频编码设置,包括 H.264、NVENC 和 AMD 等。

  • 多种插件支持:支持许多第三方插件,如字幕、滤镜、转场效果等。

  • 实时视频预览:可以随时在软件中预览正在录制或直播的视频。

  • 多种场景转换效果:可以在不同的场景之间转换,并可添加过渡效果,让切换更加流畅。

OBS Studio 有以下优点和缺点


  • 免费且开源:OBS Studio 是一款免费的视频录制和直播软件,用户可免费使用其所有功能,而且软件是开放源代码的,也就意味着用户可以对其进行自由修改和扩展。

  • 跨平台支持:OBS Studio 支持多平台等多种操作系统,用户可以在不同的设备上使用该软件。

  • 多样化场景:OBS Studio 可以创建多个场景并自由切换,实现视频制作的多元化场景。

  • 自定义推流设置:用户可以自行设置直播平台,也可以在本地录制后分享。

  • 多种设备支持:软件可以与多种硬件兼容,如音频接口、媒体控制等。

  • 支持第三方插件:OBS Studio 支持许多第三方插件,从而提供更多的个性化功能和扩展性。


  • 学习成本较高:OBS Studio 功能较为复杂,需要用户具备一定的技术基础,初学者可能需要花费一些时间来了解如何操作;

  • 配置要求较高:由于 OBS Studio 需要占用较多的系统资源,因此在使用该软件时,可能需要进行一些优化操作,以确保其在设备上的正常运行;

  • 对于初学者来说,缺少一些自带效果:与一些其他直播软件相比,OBS Studio 的自带效果较少,但这也可以通过安装第三方插件来实现。

OBS Studio 是一款免费开源的视频录制和直播软件,用户可以创建多个场景,并自由切换,实现视频制作的多元化场景。OBS Studio 支持许多硬件和第三方插件,提供更多的个性化功能和扩展性。用户可以自定义推流设置,并选择直播平台。总之,OBS Studio 是一个功能丰富、使用广泛的优秀视频录制和直播软件。

OBS Studio 32 位版本

目前 OBS Studio 新版本已经不再支持 32 位系统,您可以下载最后一个支持 32 位系统的版本:OBS Studio 27.2.4 中文版

OBS Studio 许可证

GPL v2


30.1 New Features
Enabled HDR for HEVC over RTMP [nquah]
AV1 HDR is not currently supported by YouTube.
Reworked the Image Slideshow source [Lain-B]
The reworked Image Slideshow source loads files asynchronously and fixes an issue where the slideshow would loop before showing all images. To change existing Image Slideshow sources to the new version, you must recreate them. Existing Image Slideshow sources will continue functioning as before.
Added Capture Audio option to window/game capture on Windows [derrod]
Added Premultiplied Alpha option for game capture on Windows [jpark37]
Added option for automatic cropping to bounding box [derrod]
Added maxRGB tonemapper for SDR in HDR Tone Mapping filter [jpark37]
Added GPU rescaling options for streaming and recording outputs [derrod]
Added channel selection for CoreAudio input devices [PatTheMav]
Added Capture Card Device source type on macOS [PatTheMav]
Enabled multi-track audio support for mpegts [pkviet]
Added AV1 support for VA-API [nowrep]
Added AV1 support for WebRTC/WHIP output [Sean-Der]
Added Video Capture Device (PipeWire) source type [GeorgesStavracas]
30.1 Changes
Added HDR support for the Elgato HD60 X Rev.2 [FBirth]
Added theme data search paths [derrod]
Added Lua script location to search path for Lua native libraries [Smartkin]
Added Python 3.11 support for macOS [PatTheMav]
Updated obs-websocket to version 5.4.2 [tt2468/Lain-B]
Release notes for addition in 5.4.0 are here: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/releases/tag/5.4.0
Improved simple mode replay buffer settings [gxalpha]
Switched to bigger units in the UI for high bitrate/large recordings [derrod]
Disabled Paste Transform on locked scene items [cg2121]
Disabled Edit Transform if scene item is locked [cg2121]
Removed Windows 7 and Ubuntu 20.04 NVENC fallbacks [derrod]
PCM audio in (fragmented) MP4/MOV is now supported [derrod]
Changed default recording format to fMP4/fMOV for stable releases [derrod]
30.1 Bug Fixes
Fixed crashes with the Virtual Camera on Windows when apps consumed it as YUY2 [vico-shang]
Fixed crash when loading Python at runtime on Windows [PatTheMav]
Fixed crash in Image Slideshow when adding a directory with no files in it [notr1ch]
Fixed crash on macOS when attempting to stream to a WHIP servers with certain configurations [RytoEX/Sean-Der]
Fixed crash when trying to stream with WebRTC/WHIP [CrackThrough]
Fixed a possible crash in Lua scripts when switching scene collections [exeldro]
Fixed a possible crash with WHIP output [Aleksbgbg]
Fixed deadlock when adding a macOS Screen Capture source [PatTheMav]
Fixed issue where OBS could be closed by docked browser panels [WizardCM]
Fixed high CPU usage with Virtual Camera on macOS [jcm93]
Fixed checkbox misalignment on macOS in properties view [nikola3211]
Fixed audio track 1 audio being offset/desynced with other tracks [derrod]
Fixed incorrect VST window size on HiDPI display [xlinshan]
Fixed editable list UI element having incorrect background-color [tuduweb]
Fixed the resize cursor with respecting the item transformation [BGM99]
Fixed disk space reporting for attached network drives on macOS [PatTheMav]
Fixed Safe Mode removing third-party transitions from scene collection [derrod]
Fixed being unable to use QSV in the Flatpak package [twelho]
Fixed audio track titles not being set in Custom FFmpeg Output [tuduweb]
Fixed an issue with free disk space calculation on ExFAT and FAT32 volumes on macOS [PatTheMav]
Fixed an issue with free disk space calculation on macOS not matching values in Finder [jcm]
Fixed an issue where a removed source’s scene would not be correctly logged [exeldro]
Clarified the macOS microphone permissions prompt [jcm]
Fixed a regression causing a missing tooltip for Fragmented MOV/MP4 [shiina424]
Fixed an issue with the background of audio meters being transparent causing visual artifacts [fzwoch]
Fixed an issue with Yes/No buttons on the Reset Docks confirmation message box not being translated [shiina424]
Fixed an issue preventing the Remux dialog from being used multiple times [RytoEX]

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